4 education
4 research
4 outreach
4 dialogue

The Center for Heritage Resource Studies works to accomplish its mission by organizing activities into four program areas:

Education Providing professional, graduate and undergraduate training
Research Innovative research programs that draw on diverse, interdisciplinary fields of study
Outreach Involving communities in the definition and development of local and regional heritage
Dialogue Fostering public awareness and dialogue on the evolving meanings of heritage
Most Center projects and initiatives incorporate aspects of all four program areas, contributing to the Center's holistic, comprehensive approach to the study and application of heritage. Click on links to the left to learn more about individual projects. These programs and initiatives are designed to incorporate a wide range of disciplines, including cultural anthropology, archaeology, historic preservation, community development, environmental sciences, and others.

satellite view of the
Chesapeake Bay

Located on the College Park campus of the University of Maryland, the Center offers teaching and conference facilities, access to world-renowned research institutions, and the support of a large state university


© 2003-2005 University of Maryland